
Is the iPad a Creative Toy?

My wife has offered to get me a first generation iPad for Christmas (if I was going to get one, I’d wait for the second generation model, due out in Q1 of next year) but this got me to thinking about the whole “tablet computing” functionality.  As someone who enjoys producing CONTENT rather than consuming it, are devices like the iPad really useful, or would I use it as a beer coaster after a few weeks?


Run STRONG Eddie Marathon and Zen Runner!

Our friends Eddie and Adam are running the Marine Corps Marathon this Sunday!  If you get a chance, tweet them some good wishes and follow their victorious march on Washington DC:

Eddie: 21077
Adam: 16640


Channel Runner Review

I'm talking about a new project conceived by Adam and Nigel that seeks to promote some of the AMAZING content that is out in the Pod-o-sphere.


A Bit About the Next Episode of Phedippidations

The next episode of Phedippidations will be available for download on Sunday at midnight Eastern Daylight Standard Time; October 31st. (All Hallows Even).


Wine Week: Why Wine?

Today I just want to talk about WHY wine is something of interest and worth your time.
The Wine BibleThe House of Mondavi: The Rise and Fall of an American Wine DynastyThe Emperor of Wine: The Rise of Robert M. Parker, Jr., and the Reign of American Taste (P.S.)


Wine Week: Regionally Speaking

A general sense of where you can find some of the basic wines you’d want to try around the world!


Care to Comment?

On a beautiful New England Autumn day, I'm out on a run asking for your support in leaving a comment about Phedippidations and/or Intervals on iTunes. Thank you!

Click here to go to my Phedippidation iTunes page

Click here to go to my Intervals iTunes page

Wine Week: Mining for Chilean Wine

Today I’m talking about one my favorite wine regions: Chile; and the amazing wines they produce for the world!
The Wines of Chile (Classic Wine Library)Chile, Wine Regions,"WINES IN CHILE"


Qualified for Boston? REGISTER RIGHT NOW!

If you have qualified to run in the next Boston Marathon: STOP WATCHING THIS VIDEO; you should be on the BAA website registering for the race. If you are watching this video on any other day but Monday the 18th you can go about your business. Run long and taper!
Boston Marathon: The Legendary Course Guide26 Miles to Boston: The Boston Marathon Experience from Hopkinton to Copley SquareThe Boston Marathon: A Century of Blood, Sweat, and Cheers

Wine Week: Talking Bout Bordeaux

Today I’m going to tell you just TWO things you need to know about French Bordeaux; TWO aspects of this wine that might help you when you go to purchase a bottle of this holy nectar of goodness: #1 The varietals and #2 the Official Classification of 1855. Cheers!

Bordeaux: A Consumer's Guide to the World's Finest Wines
The Complete Bordeaux: The Wines*The Chateaux*The People (Mitchell Beazley Wine Library)
Merlove ~ a Documentary About Merlot Wine


Wine Week: Rioja Goodness

As I pondered my glass of Rioja this evening, it dawned on me that I probably should spend a few minutes (at least) going over La Rioja, in General.  I don’t have a lot of time here to go over the three Rioja zones, but I think I can focus enough to talk more about Rioja.  (Of course, I go off on a tangent discussion price points, vintages and a few other things).  And YES I know my pronunciation is horrible. (I can barely speak English after all!)

The New Spain: A Complete Guide to Contemporary Spanish Wine


Wine Week: Thank God for Spain.

“Beber este vino es como hablar con Dios” – Tasting this wine is like talking with God.  I’m going to be talking about wine this week on Intervals; so if you’re not into that sort of thing I’d urge you to unsubscribe for a few days.  Today I’m talking about Spanish wine (in general) and tasting a nice Tempranillo, Garnacha blend.

This is a GREAT book on the subject of wine:
The Wine Bible

As is THIS book by Alice Feiring (which has completely changed my thoughts on the subject of wine)

The Battle for Wine and Love: or How I Saved the World from Parkerization
Finally here's a good guide book on Spanish Wine:

Penin Guide to Spanish Wine 2010 (Spanish Edition)


An Episode About Nothing.

I’m talking about why the WWFoR was really important PERSONALLY to me and my running this year, and also about THE NEXT BIG THING.  Have a great weekend fellow runners!


Send Me Your WWFoR Race Reports TODAY!

I'm putting together an episode of Phedippidations that will include as many race reports as I can pull together in the next 24 hours! If you'd like to have your race report included, you'll have to record it NOW and send it to me: steve AT steverunner.com I've only recieved 3 audio reports, so if you'd like to be featured on the show: you've GOT to send me your audio TODAY!


My World Wide Festival of Races Half Marathon Challenge Run!

What a beautiful day for a half marathon!  This WAS indeed a challenge as this was the longest run I’ve completed since a 14 miler I ran on June 20th!  I had to take A LOT of walk breaks, but that’s okay: it was such a perfect New England Autumn day with bright colorful foliage and a crisp dark blue cloudless sunny sky!  I really enjoyed myself.  I was a bit dehydrated near the end with some knee pain in my right knee; but all in all this was a GREAT run!  Here’s hoping everyone had a fantastic WWFoR!!

Here are some photo's I took on my run today:

The Zen Runner Runs the WWFoR!

I had to share this, but urge you to go to http://www.planettinkoff.blogspot.com to check out all of Adam's FUN and OUTSTANDING content!  (This video is fantastic!!!!)

The WWFoR 2010 Lincolnshire Lollop!

Friends and Fellow runners in the UK run the World Wide Festival of Races together!

WWFoR: Video Before My Run!

I'm dressed, ready and heading out for my 5th running of the WWFoR!

A Fellow Runner (Peter) Runs the WWFoR

I hope Peter doesn’t mind if I repost his video here; but I know you’ll really enjoy going out for a run with him as he completes his Word Wide Festival of Races Half Marathon Challenge!  I dare you to watch this video and not have the urge to lace up your shoes!

CONGRATULATIONS Peter on a great run and THANK YOU for sharing your run with the whole WIDE WORLD!

If you haven’t already: check out Peter’s fantastic blog: http://arunningskeptic.blogspot.com  

Run Your WWFoR With Passion

Celebrate your life, and the lives of friends and fellow runners everywhere everyday.  For all it’s pain, suffering and sadness: this life that we are living is (and should be) AMAZING!  As runners you and I have a special perspective on life: we experience the universe from within bodies that are becoming more and more tuned to exists as they were meant to exist!  We are becoming the good animals we were meant to be!  Run your World Wide Festival of Races event with passion and joy.  Run as if this was the last time you’ll ever have the chance.  Think Global, Run Local!


It’s a GREAT Weekend for a FESTIVAL!

Welcome to the 5th Annual World Wide Festival of Races!  You can still register (for FREE) at http://worldwidefestivalofraces.com and join 900 or so of your fellow runners all over the world who will run a 5K, 10K, or Half Marathon this weekend in celebration of our running community, and as a way to invite others to run with us!


Happy WWFoR Friday

Here’s wishing you all a GREAT weekend of running with all your World Wide Friends!


Cleaning Out My Garage!

Thoughts on Fdip247: As The World Cheers and the good feeling associated with un-crapping my life (getting rid of STUFF I don’t need).  Of course there’s plenty of rambling in this one…blah blah blah!

The World Wide Festival is Here!

This is just a quick video where I talk about the importance of sharing your WWFoR experience with fellow runners all over the world this weekend.  Thank you for being a part of something that celebrate our community and friendship and extends an opportunity to those who are not yet fellow runners to lace up their shoes and run with us.


Any Last Shouts? Let’s Get This Festival Started!

The 5th Annual World Wide Festival of Races is almost here!  Today I’ll talk about the things that makes this event special and how you can participate.


Tell us Who YOU are and give us a SHOUT!

I can accept audio until as late as Wednesday; but right now I need two things from you: (1) a brief self introduction telling us WHO ARE YOU? And (2) Shouts of encouragement (send as many as you want).  You can do this all with a single audio file (just pause between segments) email to Steve@SteveRunner.com or call into the Extra Mile PodCast HOTLINE: 206-339-6497


Last Call for WHO ARE YOU and SHOUTS!

This is the final call for anyone who wants to be heard on my AS THE WORLD CHEERS episode of Phedippidations. Tuesday evening EDT is the absolute FINAL deadline for this show. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of PODCASTING HISTORY and be heard on a podcast which will be heard for HUNDREDS of YEARS! (Maybe thousands, but I doubt it).


Who are you?

Please listen to this episode; and be sure to join Adam Tinkoff today for a live recording of his podcast as we prepare for the 5th Annual World Wide Festival of Races!



Saturday (10/2) afternoon at 1:00 PM Eastern time, please go to http://ustream.com/channel/zenrunner to hear a very special set of announcements from our good friend Adam Tinkoff (The ZEN Runner) who will be recording his new podcast “Planet Tinkoff” (subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/planet-tinkoff/id392567197 ) This is your ONE CHANCE to be a part of podcasting history!! (well, maybe that’s a bit over the top: but you’ll really want to hear what Adam has to say) as he talks about the FIFTH ANNUAL WORLD WIDE FESTIVAL OF RACES!! Be there, aloha.

Be a Part of PodCasting History!

Fellow Runners:

I'm starting to work on episode 127 of Phedippidations, which I'm going to title: “As the World Cheers” (yeah, incredibly creative huh?...I made that up in my sleep) and I have this idea for an opening to the episode which I’d like to invite you to be a part of.

This is one of the technically toughest (to put together) and most popular (a lot of downloads) episodes that I produce all year.

What I’m asking of you (if you have the time and are interested in being a part of this) is to record a bit of an introduction of yourself.  To quote the great rock band “The Who” I’d like you to answer the question: WHO ARE YOU?

This can (and should) be different from any other shout you may have already submitted…that is; while the other “shout” should include the URL to your blog or podcast…with this one, just introduce yourself as a fellow runner to the world. 

Imagine that the entire planet of runners is sitting in a stadium, and you step up to the microphone to tell them who you are.

For example: here’s what I’ll record:

“My name is Steve and I live in a small New England town in the North Eastern end of the United States of America.  I’m 48 years old, of Italian/Scottish decent and I’m happily married living with my son, stepson, mother in law and two lemon beagles. I like to run, taste wine, watch baseball, read book, and produce podcasts”

That’s it: just a quick introduction of who you are….if you want to send another audio clip with your shout of encouragement (including web address, twitter name, etc etc) I’d be grateful, but for this opening “skit” I want to merge together snipits of audio from YOU introducing yourself to the world.

What’s your name?  Where do you live?  What do you do for fun?  WHO ARE YOU?

 I’ll edit this all into an audio montage for the first 10 minutes of the episode, which will segue nicely into the “shouts of encouragement” from others around the world.

You can either email me your audio: steve@steverunner.com or just call Kevin’s Extra Mile Podcast hot line: 206-339-6497

Thanks so much for doing this; I’ll need the audio by Sunday at the latest in order to get this show out on time.  I usually publish on Sunday morning, but I need to get this one out early (Friday night) in order to have it ready for WWFoR runners; so my production has to be completed on Thursday night at the latest (but I’ll have to have THIS opening segment completed by Sunday night).

Thanks for being a part of this!!


- Steve

Please Participate: Send Me Your SHOUTS of ENCOURAGEMENT

Imagine this scene: you’re running in a road race, maybe this is your FIRST race…and you’re getting near the end…all your training and hard work has brought you to this moment, and it looks like you’re going to make it YOU’RE GOING TO FINISH!! And as you come to the top of the last hill, knowing that the finish line is just ahead.  No one notices you.  No one claps, no one cheers, no one seems to even care.  How would that make you feel?

Here's a video I recorded back on September 17th that gets into more detail:

Email: steve@steverunner.com or call 206-339-6497

Thank you!