
City Life From the eyes of Country Boy

I’m just rambling through the streets of New York City with lots of stuff on my mind and a whole new way of life before me.  Listen in and go for a walk with me down Broadway as I contemplate “the city”.
My View of the Empire State Building on my way to work,


Steve Runner on Broadway!!

All my struggles and efforts over the past seven years of podcasting has finally led me to the big city lights of Broadway!  Listen as I take a stroll towards fame, fortune and the 5:17 train out of Penn Station!


Walking, Walking, In the Rain

With all due respect to that great 80’s rock band “Flash and the Pan”, I’m walking to Penn Station in the City of New York with an audio update of my life in the Big Apple.

The Empire State Building on my way to Penn Station


Live From New York, It’s Intervals!

I’m in the Big Apple this week, cavorting around as a network engineer working as a consulting engineer taking on a new and exciting project that has me working in the famous “Flat Iron Building”.  Listen in and hear my story.


Conversation with The Zen Runner

My friend, Adam, joins me on Intervals for a discussion of his goals for 2013 and the triumphant return of The Slow Runners Club



Thank you to every who has sent over kind words, thoughts and wishes as well as the following runners who continue to help me produce Phedippidations: William, Vera, Katie, Heather, Ryan, Chaise, Andie, Gordon, Scott, Mike, David, Jeff, Colin, Jason, Diane, Al, Cheryl, Ron, Mark, Martha, Greg, Jim, Maddy, Tim, Bill, Kevin, Michael, David, Doug, Vance, Brad, Rob, Marcelo, Andrew, Shawn, Roberto, Zaki, Ria, Jan, Margaret, James, Norm, Simon, Albert, Janice, Dan, Pam, Rob and one Anonymous fellow runner!


An Invitation

I’d like to invite you to join me in TWO (count ‘em) TWO social media events…the first is a GLOBAL WINE TASTING of the 2012 Beaujolais Nouveau, a red wine made of the Gamay varietal that is the world wide indicator for the vintage of the year we are in.  

ALSO; I’d like to have a REAL conversation with YOU on Intervals.  Listen to this episode, and I’ll try to explain my ideas for two social media projects that I’d like to invite you to be a part of.


Le Beaujolais Nouveau est Arrivee

I'm walking you through a tasting of the 2012 Beaujolais-Villages Nouveau in preparation for the next episode of The Wine Chat Podcast http://www.thewinechatpodcast.com


So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!

With attribution to Douglas Adams; today is my last day working on the project that I’ve been working on for the past couple of years; and likely the last time I’ll work in the office that I’ve been working at for the past twenty-one.  Today I’m talking personal career “gobbly goop” with you, and I must warn you it’s a long winded ramble.  I’m going to be cutting back on the frequency of my Intervals podcasts (at least for awhile) as I move on to the next chapter of my professional life!


On Road Near Miss and Achilles Tendonitis

It’s a potpourri of podcasting today, with the near fatal catastrophe that I experienced during this recording and I’ll read some listener mail to describe my past experience with an ailment of one of my favorite tendons. 


The RunCast Magic

I'm showing off my portable podcast studio, which I've used to record Phedippidations for these past 300 episodes going on 8 years!


Doing Drugs with a New Episode of Phedippidations

YES!!  It's true...in the final moments before my laptop imploded...I was able to get one final episode of Phedippidations out onto the "tubes of the Internet".  Be prepared for some classic "Steve Runner Rants" and  some words from an old (well, not "old per se", he's actually quite young) friend from podcasting past.  Saturday at midnight ET, Nov 10th.  Go to SteveRunner.com for all the podcast goodness!


First PodCast Post Laptop Apocalypse

My laptop’s hard drive died, and of course I had NO backup…thus my podcast production enters a new “Thoreauvian Era” of simplicity.  Hear now, this first recording “un-produced” from my newly risen laptop computer.


Election Day and Emma Runner

It’s Election Day here in the United States, and I really feel that it’s important to vote.  Don’t do it for yourself, but do it because you can and should.  At the end we visit with my young niece, Emma…who apparently has plans to take over my show!


More Miles and Project Talk

A brief note turns into a rambling diatribe about my job search, new projects and NOT about what I had intended to talk about (my use of social networks); I finish up with a tip on how to contact me through my website.


Find Your Happy Keyword

Since the storm, podcasting has been a low priority item for me…but with the day off from work I’m here to talk about the weird place that I’m “in” career wise.  Today I talk about jobs, looking for a job and the hardest part of finding the RIGHT job.