
Thinking of a Word That Rhymes With Dichromate

Hey! Look!!  I uploaded the correct podcast this time!!!

Coach Jeff: http://www.coachjeff.com.au

I’m trying to come up with a word, or phrase, that will appease the 
Acceptable Use Policy of both Amazon and Paypal.  


Fdip291 will Hit the Pod-o-sphere this Weekend!

Fdip291: Running in Time is the first in a two part series that is on the topic of cosmology.  I want to get you to start thinking about where you are and how you are moving through both time and (this week) SPACE.  


Weekend Update and Amazon Payments is Shutting me Down!

Another rambling diatribe about how I made it through the weekend, trying to eat clean (kinda) and also an unnecessary discussion that I almost edited out: all about paying taxes and Amazon Payments (in other words: why I’m moving to PayPal).


Indy and Eva Take Me for a Walk and a Special Guest

I’m finishing up a run and taking my two Beagle puppies for a walk around the neighborhood.  We finish the episode up with a special guest who will not be compensated for his performance (or fear of robots).


A Lesson on Genetically Modified Organisms

I received a great email from an anonymous fellow runner this morning that I’d like to share with you.  Here we’ll learn a little about genetically modified food and why they are very much a good thing!


Training to Eat Well

I’m learning how to make better choices in the food that I’m eating, but not denying myself completely.  Today I raise the issue that it takes a little time to prepare good food.


Hope at the Ballpark

I’m at Hanover Insurance Park at Fitton Field in Worcester Massachusetts for the home opener of my beloved Worcester Tornadoes!  This is the 8th season for my home town team, and THIS year we’re going to do great things in the Can Am League.  It’s all about HOPE.


Fireside Chat with Eric

My friend Eric and I, under the influence of way too much wine, made the marginally reasonable decision to record an episode of Intervals.  DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME FOLKS, I’m a professional.


FR610 First Impressions and Other Ramblings

I’ve picked up a new gadget that seems kinda cool, on todays special “weekend episode” I’ll talk about this and a few other things as we get a few miles in together.



Episode 290 of Phedippidations will burst into your head like a ripe melon (dig the imagery) on Friday.  Today I’ll talk a little about that episode and some of the “inside the podcaster’s studio” items of interest that goes into producing a podcast for runners!

Thank you Jan, Chaise, Andie, Gordon, Scott, Mike, David, Jeff, Colin, Jason, Diane, Greg, Jim, Maddy, Tim and Bill; I couldn’t do this without your help!


Gadget Goodness

I’ve broken down and decided to get a new GPS watch.  This is one of the many things I’ll discuss on this episode of Intervals.


Why didn’t you do anything Papa?

This is an addendum to yesterday’s angry rant, with a more in depth response to one of the best email responses I received on the subject of “Gay Marriage” 
One day, I will have to give her an answer.


North Carolina: Lying or Stupid?

Could someone please explain to me why Homosexual couples cannot or should not be married?  

I’m looking for a single good, solid logical reason why Gay Marriage is “wrong” and shouldn’t be allowed to happen.  Please don’t refer to some ancient text that you’ve misinterpreted in presenting your proposed "valid" argument.  

To do so would be nothing short of “BS”.

*note: this episode includes several angry rants and one use of a term referring to bovine excrement.


Healthy Manifesto and The 22 Miler

I have broken the 200 pound barrier on my weigh (pun intended) to run a marathon (or two) in the Fall (and then something crazy-good in a few years).  BUT today is even more important, because TODAY marks the return of John Ellis: friend, coach, motivator, loving husband, devoted father and yes: FELLOW RUNNER.

John Ellis


Opinion of Oz and Pizza from DOOM

I don’t agree with a lot of what Dr. Mehmet Oz has to say; but we do agree on ONE thing.  Also, last night I had a close and dangerous encounter with a RABID WILD pizza!


Relationship with FOOD – Spring Clean Reboot

If it’s true that “You are what you eat”, then I must be FULL OF CRAP! Today I’m talking about my “relationship” with three different kinds of consumables.


Greetings New iPadio Listeners & Day 1 of Spring Reboot

Thank you iPadio for featuring Intervals on your website today: http://www.ipadio.com
In today’s episode of Intervals, I talk about my first day of living healthier.


2012 Spring Clean Reboot Episode 1

I’ve decided that it’s time to REBOOT.  I’m BOOTING out all the CRAP I’ve been eating, and BOOTING in a healthier way of living my life.  I’m committed, I have a goal, and it’s not all about looking svelt and chipper in a SPEEDO.  It’s about running long, and tapering.