
Colonoscopy-Cast Part 3 of 3

The day has arrived, and in this third installment I’ll tell you how it went and what the preliminary results were of my first colonoscopy.  The fact is that this procedure was NOT A BIG DEAL, and if you’re scheduled to have a screening, or have been avoiding this…DON’T.  It’s not embarrassing, it’s not painful, and it could save your LIFE!


Colonoscopy-Cast Part 2 of 3

CANCER SUCKS: In part two of this three part series I begin the preparation for my colonoscopy.  Don’t worry, I won’t belch out the details here; but there is some benefit to hearing from this patient how if feels to get ready for this thing that could save my life, and more importantly: help us beat cancer 

Colonoscopy-Cast Part 1 of 3

I had these GREAT plans to podcast the FIRST ever “Colonoscopy-Cast”, it was going to involve a huge cast with special guests, celebrities, fellow runners, the Boston Symphony Orchestra and all these AWESOME CGI effects…but; instead I’m bringing you this: an open and honest talk about fighting Colorectal cancer. 

In this first part, I’ll talk about WHY we should secure ourselves against the significant possibility that we might have pre-cancerous polyps growing inside of us, and I’ll also through some numbers out at you which I hope will SCARE the crap (no pun intended) out of you!


Happy Birthday to my buddy: Indiana Jones!

"Indy? We named the dog Indy!" 
- Sean Connery as Professor Henry Jones
from the movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"
Basketfull of Puppies!

Indiana, moments after he picked ME!

That's my Indiana, tugging at a towel.


You MUST Listen to this. I SAID (ahem) YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS!!

A Walk my Puppy and a Trip to PEI

I’m off on the trails with Indiana Jones (one of my puppies); thinking about the serenity of nature and an upcoming family reunion in the place where my ancestors first walked upon the New World.


No Boston, No Cry

I'm not running The Boston Marathon this year. I'm living Life 2.0.

What My Pentax K1000 Saw

For my high school graduation, my parents gave me a Pentax K1000 SLR camera, which I loved.  It used 35mm film and was completely manual: but it was fantastic.  Today I’ll talk about one of the photo’s I took, and what I should have seen.


Springing a New Episode of Phedippidations on Ya!

At midnight, the world will be presented with a brand new episode of the ONLY podcast with the Tom Cruise XENU STAMP OF APPROVAL: Phedippidations #287: Hemingway’s Key and Life to its Top.


Fighting Passive Aggressiveness

Mean people SUCK, but what’s even worse are people who ACT nice but BEHAVE meanly.  Today I’m thinking about the behavior of passive aggressiveness…and challenge you to think about it as well.


Fdip287 is on it’s Heming-Way

A new episode of the (ahem) WORLD WIDE FAMOUS WICKED PISSA
AWARDED BRILLANT podcast, Phedippidations is coming out with a new episode this
weekend. Watch and hear me talk about it.


Family Dinner

On Thursday nights, my parents cook dinner for the Walker clan.  Tonight, on my drive back home (to Oxford) I reflect on these gatherings and enjoy a hot cup of Dunkin “Reg-lah”.

My Mom and niece Emma. 


Breaking the Boston Cycle

With only 4 weeks to go until the Boston Marathon, I’m faced with the reality that I probably SHOULDN”T run it this year.  Will that stop me?  I don’t know…but it’s something I’m thinking (and talking to you) about.  


An Email from Russel

This is a podcast response to an email from fellow runner and Florida Key's native Russel.  Hope you get to hear this Russel, run long my friend! - Steve


PodCasting isn’t "Dead", but it may be time to move forward.

I love to create things; and audio is something I’m pretty good at.  But after a few margarita’s with my friend Adam, he got me to start thinking about “the next BIG thing”, and how it may not necessarily be PodCasting.


My Key West

Back from Vacation

I’m on my way to work, and my vacation is now officially over.  I love New England, and it’s good to be home: but this isn’t Key West.


Report from Paradise

I’ve sorta been “off the grid” for the past week or so; at least with my podcasting efforts: so I thought I’d record an update for you from a very warm place with a very sweet little girl.


I'm Moving to Key West for the REST OF MY LIFE

My wife has been telling me about this place for twenty years.  

I had my doubts.

I doubt no longer.

I totally get it now, and I’m not so sure that I’m ever going to leave.

Key West Florida: it’s not just about the warmth.  It’s not just about the “laid back attitude” of the place.  It’s not even about the deep blue skies, the Hemingway-isk seclusion that inspires the written word to flow or the chemical acceptance of C2H5OH prior to Noon and beyond.

I belong here. 

This is where I’m supposed to be. 

I’m supposed to be sitting by the ocean, Mojito, Margarita, or fine glass of Malbec in hand…with my Word Processor de Jour at my fingertips…cranking out thoughts, opinions, observations and rambling diatribes for my friends and fellow runners around the world to contemplate.

Or ignore.

See, THAT’s the thing about this place.  Caring is OPTIONAL. 

It’s not that I don’t maintain affection for my fellow runners and faithful audience, it’s just that: out here, the dynamic is skewed. I’m not here to promote STEVE RUNNER or some goofy little podcast that might have brought me some “notoriety”.  Here, I’m just some “dude” soaking in the Rays, reading books on the topic of Philosophy and trying to expand my very limited perception of the world.

I was this guy who had a very narrow view of the Universe….I’m STILL that guy, but I’m staring to understand that the world around me is much more INTERESTING and incredible than I ever understood it to be.

I mean…seriously; look at me. 

I’m this New England Roman Catholic GUY who came down to the most southern point in the Continental United States and completely EXPUNGED the flotsam and jetsam that was RATTLING around my SKULL to open myself to some new ideas in the adventure of LIFE 2.0.

Does this mean that I’m rejecting the “Steve Runner” of the past fifty years of Life 1.0?


What this means is that I’m giving some “alternative ideas” an opportunity to “fester” in my head.

Festering is a good thing.  It’s giving NEW ideas a “chance” to grow. 

I refer you to the Desiderata, the key theme of which includes:
possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.”
I’m sitting here by pool-side, glass of Cab Sauv in hand, ready to listen to the thoughts of others.  I may not agree with everything they have to say: but I’ll damn well respect them for their opinions.
That’s the beauty of this place. That’s the brilliance of Key West.
Steve Runner
Key West
March 1st, 2011