
What if he's sick?

What if our "president" is mentally ill?  I'm not calling for his ouster, I'm just saying maybe he needs help.

Check out this episode!



If you had the ability to DEL any part of your long term memory, would you?

Check out this episode!


Bye Bye Cassini

The Cassini spacecraft has crashed into the "surface" of Saturn.  It did good.

Check out this episode!


Kyla in Massachusetts

My 4 year old granddaughter Kyla joins me in the studio to explain the mechanisms behind the way the world functions.

Check out this episode!


2 Billion Miles From Anything

The Universe is BIG and it turns out that our little smudge of a Galaxy is out there on it's own.

Check out this episode!


Reading is Fundamental

Enjoying a beautiful Spring day in New England, and enjoying a good read.

Check out this episode!


The Drone in Sector 7-G

It's "Mental Healthy Friday" for me today: The WannaCry ransomware virus has been the bane of my existence lately, but I've found a new hobby that's alot of fun.

Check out this episode!


Identity Crisis?

I start off with a call from our friendly support center, just trying to help a guy out with a cupcake...and THEN I talk about other stuff.


Me and My Drone

My Boston Ignorance

It turns out that I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to racism in my home town. What happened to Adam Jones last night should never have happened.


Jumping Platforms

I'm moving Intervals to Spreaker. Listen in as I explain what that means.



Eric and I are at Fenway for a game against the New York Yankees.  Wish you were here.


Reducing Without Ham

YES I’m working on recording a new episode of Phedippidations…but meanwhile: let’s talk about food.


On Vacation with Thoreau

I’m taking the week off from work to enjoy some Major League Baseball this week, and have been reacquainting myself with my pal Henry David Thoreau.


WatchCast: Conflicting Philosophies

I’m recording this via my Apple Watch on a slightly warmer spring day, while I contemplate the upcoming March for Science. 



This episode was recorded during and after the Nor’Easter that hit these parts.  Winter is back with a vengeance…and speaking of that…I’ve got a few things to say about a certain head of the EPA and his very silly opinions.



I watched a great documentary last night that I can’t stop thinking about.  With Global Warning and the Trump Show consuming our conversations, maybe there’s a better way to change the hearts and minds of those who oppose the truth.


March for Science - OVERWHELMING Evidence

On Earth Day, April 22nd, I’ll be marching for SCIENCE…in Boston.

Global Warming is the single most important concern in Human History (yeah, for the ENTIRE history of humanity…this TRUMPS every other concern.)

In the weeks leading up to the March, I’m going to make this case using OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE.

Here are some links of interest:


Say Something Nice

When I was growing up (not that I’ve stopped), my Mom would engage us children, every day, with some kind of a “mental exercise”.  Instead of watching TV, we were forced (oh the horror) to read books (laugh if you will, but I read every installment of “Little House on the Prarie” and loved it).  WHen it came to social quandries, she was equally instructive.  Now that we’re in the “Age of the Trumpers” it’s time for me to take my Mom’s advice and say something nice.  Five things in fact.


A Better Way to Survive the Trump Show

I’m talking about gadgets, baseball and in the end: Trump.  Asking the question “What if he’s not a bad guy”.  Hear me out.


Yummy Crow

An update for you in this first of 2017 episode of Intervals, and some words of encouragement for the new 'Merican POTUS...no, seriously.