
Carpe Diem

The Walkers
Carpe Diem 
by Robert Frost

Age saw two quiet children 
Go loving by at twilight, 
He knew not whether homeward, 
Or outward from the village, 
Or (chimes were ringing) churchward, 
He waited, (they were strangers) 
Till they were out of hearing 
To bid them both be happy. 
"Be happy, happy, happy, 
And seize the day of pleasure." 
The age-long theme is Age's. 
'Twas Age imposed on poems 
Their gather-roses burden 
To warn against the danger 
That overtaken lovers 
From being overflooded 
With happiness should have it. 
And yet not know they have it. 
But bid life seize the present? 
It lives less in the present 
Than in the future always, 
And less in both together 
Than in the past. The present 
Is too much for the senses, 
Too crowding, too confusing- 

Too present to imagine.


For those who despise all Republican candidates, WHY?

I’m not one to talk “politics” but just bear with me on this one.  I think there’s some good stuff to consider here.


Running Watchcast

I’m experimenting with using my Apple Watch to record my podcasts and talking about what’s to come.  Give it a listen and let me know how the quality sounds to you!


Gratitude for Medicine

It turns out that being grateful can make you healthier, which is certainly something to be grateful for!  Today I’m going to talk about how I’m grateful for modern medicine and specifically for all the doctors and scientists who have helped to create the drugs and therapies that relieve pain, elongate our lives and ensure our life quality.


Gratitude for My Career

Today I want to talk about the gratitude I have to the people who I have worked for and with.  I want to thank those who have hired me and said kind words about me.  I haven’t had that many jobs in my life, but each one was a learning experience for which I am grateful.


Gratitude for my Puppies

Today I’m starting a series of four podcast episodes where I’ll attempt to describe for you some of the things that I am thankful for in my life.


Rally Round the Red Coffee Cup!

Join me as I launch the first attack in the WAR AGAINST XMAS!! Yes, my comrades, we have ALREADY WON...for every time I wish you LOVE, JOY, PEACE and HAPPINESS...I am fighting against the EVIL FORCES for SANTA!  Rejoice my comrades, the WAR AGAINST XMAS has been won!!


Nihilistic Me

Further commentary on my latest Fdip podcast while I take my puppies for a walk in the Oxford Woods.


The Green Fields of the Mind

Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti, former commissioner of ML baseball, and his essay “The Green Fields of the Mind”


The First Ever Watch-Cast

Introducing cyber-tech geekery; I present you with the first ever APPLE WATCH recorded podcast.  Why?  BECAUSE I CAN.  Enjoy.


#ZENVEDA 28: Weird Food

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten or drank? Describe how it tasted. Did you like it?


#ZENVEDA 26: Inside the Fridge

What's in your refridgerator? What do you need? What needs to be thrown away? What will you eat next?


#ZENVEDA 24: GEE that's a LONG way from home.

Where is the farthest spot you've been from home. What did you find there? How was it the same or different?


#ZENVEDA 23: Motivation

What motivates you to work hard and finish what you've started?


#ZENVEDA 22: If My Number Came Up

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you keep it to yourself? If not, who would you share it with and why?


#ZENVEDA 20: Eye on the Sky

What is the most interesting thing you can see from your house?



#ZENVEDA 17: Mr. Ghiorse

Who was your favorite teacher or coach and why? What did you learn from them that you still use today?

An article written by him in the Boston Globe: {CLICK HERE}


#ZENVEDA 16: Lost in Space.

Did you ever get really lost in an unfamiliar place? 
How did you find your way back?


#ZENVEDA 14: Tag

Tag another content creator or ZENVEDA participant. What would you ask them? Don't forget to let them know you mentioned them! -- well, I did mention most of you (*except for my evil arch-nemisis Kevin Gwin...which is NOT his real name!)  But I really don't have any questions.



What do you do when you're bored? Where do you go to aleviate your boredom?



#ZENVEDA 8 Inside Activity

Go back inside. What's one of your favorite activities to do ? Share with us.


#ZENVEDA 7: Favorite Activity

Go outside. What's one of your favorite activities to do? Share with us.


#ZENVEDA 6 : Creative Workspace.

Share with us your creative workspace. Why does it work for you? Where are the challenges? What would you like to change?



Where do you go to find creative inspiration? What are your sources? What is your practice to get "in the zone"?


#ZENVEDA 4: The Challenge of ZENVEDA

Producing online content isn't always easy.  Lately for me, it's been damn well impossible.


Conspiracy Theories Are Nothing But That

The Moon Landing?  Big Pharma?  The Global Domination of all Humanity?  Seriously, some people need to take a deep breath and think it through.


Merry Baseball

Back at the old ball park (which opened in 1905, thus making it in fact older than Fenway) with Eric, Meridth and Kathy savoring a beautiful night for baseball.


Talkin' bout a ZENVEDA-lution.

Good news and bad news time everyone.  First the good news: I'm NOT going to produce an episode of Phedippidations in August. The bad news? I am taking part in ZENVEDA...which means...well, listen in and I'll tell ya what that means! #ZENVEDA


Gratitude for the Gratitude

My 10th Anniversary episode has been published, thanks to my friend Adam Tinkoff (The ZenRunner).

Thank you Adam, Eddie, Jeff, Derek, Chris, Susan, Margaret, Peter, Donna, Norn, Kevin, Christina, Carlos, Tim, Neil and Jim and everyone else who has sent me kind wishes! As we say here in Boston “I appreciate it a WICKED lot”.


A Canadian King in a Yankee Court

On the occasion of my 10th anniversary of podcasting, my co-host and music director Neil Bearse joins me from the “Enemy Halls” of Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, New York to talk baseball, podcasting and the many years of running together.



This was the first episode of Phedippidations I ever produced, episode ONE from July 4th, 2005.  It has been an HONOR to run with you.
the grandaughter who I'll never get to know


Bravehearts Braving-it out in the 9th!

I'm back at Fitton Field where my Worcester Bravehearts have lost their last 9 games. Now we're in the 9th inning and things aren't going well. Will this be the 10th loss in a row or will we witness VICTORY!!!?


FittonFieldCast Episode 2

In the 9th Inning at Hanover Insurance Park at Litton Field where my Worcester Bravehearts are losing to the Bristol Blues.  This is PART TWO of this episode of Intervals.  Ross, Eric and I are having the “Best Summah Evah”!


FittonFieldCast Episode 1

#WooBaseball My Worcester Bravehearts are playing against the Bristol Blues in this PART ONE episode of Intervals.  This is the first of MANY nights I’ll be spending at our home town ball park, and I’m here with Eric and Ross with HOPE in our hearts as we cheer for OUR team!!


Apple Watching for Malcolm

Malcolm asked me about the Apple Watch, and here's what I have to say about that.

Fenwaycast 3 - Bottom of the 9th Hope

My last check-in from Fenway and things aren’t going well in Boston’s ballpark. Listen in as the game concludes and I summarize the evenings events.


Fenwaycast 2 - So Good So Good So Good

My second episode from Fenway this year and things aren’t looking good for my hometown team.  I’m having a good time (of course) but my beloved Boston Red Sox are not doing so well in the AL East.


Fenwaycast 1 - The Joy of Stats

I’m back at Fenway Park (finally) for the first time since last October, and I’m enjoying an ice cold Sam Adams talking about why I so love this game.  This is the first part in a 3 part series recorded at The Cathedral of Baseball.



June is here and with it long days and pleasant nights of baseball.  This is an update on my running, health, Phedippidations and most of all: my beloved Boston Red Sox!


Podcasters Block

You've heard of "writers block" where ideas are hard to come by?  I've been suffering from "podcasters block"...but having said that, things are going well for me.  Listen in and I'll "catch you up".


Apple Watch, My First Impressions

Today I'll give you my first impressions of the Apple Watch, which I've been wearing for the past 4 days.  It's wicked awesome, but also interesting.


Fdip326 Extra: A Chat With Coach Jeff Smith

Coach Jeff and I talk about increasing your mileage and putting the past behind you as a way to improve our running experience.


Opinion of Justice from a Boston Runner

He DESERVES the DEATH PENALTY, of course he does. I honestly feel that the Marathon Bomber (whose name we’ll thankfully forget one day) should get the MOST SEVERE PENALTY for his crime:, but I don’t believe that the death penalty is THE most severe thing that could be given to him. Instead, he should be forced to live the rest of his life in prison. Execution would make him a martyr and make him a hero to some. 

Think it through. 

What is the worst thing that could happen to him? 

(A) Kill him per his wishes and make him a hero to those who applaud him or 
(B) Put him away forever and forget about him, knowing that he is experiencing all the suffering of incarceration? 

Let me know what YOU think. There are no wrong answers.


My Apple Watch

I’m going to order the Apple Watch on April 10th.  It’s not something that I need, but it's something I’ve wanted since I was a little geekoid reading Dick Tracy comic books and wishing I had his 2-way radio watch.


Fdip325 Extra: A Chat With Chris Russell

Chris Russell is a friend of mine who happens to be one of the coolest people on the planet.  An accomplished author, podcaster and runner, Chris is a true New Englander with a special love for this place that he and his running companion Buddy trod upon.  

In this full, unedited episode of Intervals, Chris talks about New England, podcasting and his plans for running the Boston Marathon this year to help support Team Hoyt.

Check out his podcast at http://runrunlive.com

Read his new book: marathonbq.com

And help support Chris as he runs the Boston Marathon this year for a very good cause: