
Jenny McCarthy is Ignorant

I wish I could sugar coat if for you.  I wish I could slap a happy face on this one and joke around with it because...after all, it’s only a 1,300% increase in Whooping Cough.  People like Jenny McCarthy are worse than ignorant, they are hateful, irresponsible and deadly.

If you are an “ANTI-VAXXER” you won’t want to listen to this.  Move along...I’m not going to change your mind.

I had my annual physical today and recieved the Tdap Vaccine (Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis)...as a result, maybe someone you love won’t die a terrible, painful death.  
People like Jenny McCarthy would prefer that they do.


A Letter from Paul About Change

Paul wrote in with a comment about my Fdip307 talk of change, and I talk about other stuff (as I'm want to do). Recorded late on a Friday night: I'm all over the place in this podcast from the porch.


Season Nine

Now that epsiode 307 of Phedippidations has been HURLED into the PodOsphere, I've begun work on season 9 of my podcast.  What follows are my plans for the next year.


Marketing Morals and a Rolling Brick

Yes, THEY WIN, I'm going to do exactly what Rolling Stone Magazine wanted me (and you) to do...I'm going to talk about their offensive cover photo of the Marathon Bomber.


Life is Dhukka...and email from Michael

I hope Michael doesn’t mind that I read his wonderful email message to me, but he gave me alot to think about and I couldn’t hold it in.  I’m in a “weird place” in my life right now...but it’s a VERY GOOD place, and we should talk about it.  I’ll talk, you listen.

The song “Bender” is a new, yet to be released track by Black Lab.  You can download the track for FREE right now over at http://blacklabworld.com/


Pondering Tonglen

Think about it: Visualize yourself taking in the suffering of yourself and others and giving out happiness and success to all living creatures.  This is Tonglen, and I have MUCH to learn.



Today I'll tell you a story from my youth, when my friends and I would sit around the campfire, telling stories, sharing dreams, and listening to the sounds of the crackling, screaming fire.


Eight Years of Podcasting! It's My Pod-o-versary!

On July 4th, 2005 I published my first podcast: epsiode 1 of Phedippidations.  Today on Intervals I reflect on my past, present and future of podcasting.