
Lights Out With Thoreau

We finally got our power back after the “Light Sprinkle of the Century”; and for the (close to) three days we were without electricity (and hot water) I had a chance to contemplate the thoughts of Henry David Thoreau, who taught us the importance of simplifying our lives and appreciating the natural world around us.


An Idea For my Next Fdip Episode

I started out talking about the Hurricane, my washed out plans for the weekend and somehow came up with an idea for the next episode of Phedippidations.  Check out how I come up with this stuff.


A New Fdip will Smack you in the EARS on Saturday

Fdip275: In Vino Veritas will be available at midnight EDT on Saturday; and I hope you enjoy it.  This one is all about TRUTH, and today I’ll give you a preview of what I’ll be talking about as we get our miles in, together, this weekend!


CCNA Blues

I’m talking about work today as I drive into my office.  It’s an exciting discussion about the CCNA Study Guide and how it’s putting me to sleep. 

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Shrinking Runner

I need to lose some weight, and I think the best way for me is to work on my portion control.


My PodCast Maturity

I actually listened to an episode of Phedippidations recently (something I don’t often do) and was struck by how my goofy little podcast has changed over the past six years…and of course I go off on a tangent talking about my days in commercial radio.


Planning for PodCamp

PodCamp Boston 6 is taking place in the Peoples Republic of Cambridge on September 24th and 25th.  Tickets are only $30, and it will take place at the Microsoft N.E.R.D. center (of course).  If you’re in town (or around) and are interested in taking to your own microphone and camera: Join us at PodCamp Boston 6!!  http://podcampboston.org/


My Worcester Tornadoes

For it’s one – two – three strikes you’re out at the old ball game!


Social Networking Reunions

I have a few problems with Social Networking tools, but there are a great many benefits: including the opportunity for new and old friends to get together in person.


When She Asked Me To Dance

This is a story that I think many of you might be able to related to; it takes place around 1977 when I attended Bicknell Junior High School in North Weymouth, Massachusetts.


Experimental Rant About Reality

Today I’m just babbling about my understanding of Science and Religion as a means for understanding Truth.  In preparation for my next episode of Phedippidations you’ll hear me begin to formulate a way of thinking about the search for Truth and the intersection of these two pathways. (Yeah, I know: deep stuff, right?)


Prelude to Happiness

The day before a new episode of Phedippidations is published and I wanted to share with you my perspective on what this one means to me.


ipadio: PodCast Duration and Happiness

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

The latest episode of Phedippidations, which will hit your podcatcher (iTunes) application this weekend looks into the source and meaning of HAPPINESS.  What does it mean to be Happy?  How can we become and remain Happy?  Join me on a run this weekend with episode 274 as we investigate “The Pursuit of Happiness”.