Welcome to my Intervals “Digital Scrap-book” blog. This is where I’ll be posting video/audio/photo’s/GPS coordinates (yeah, I know: geeky), tweets and essays that come to my mind from time to time. This is not always going to be about running (hence, the name “Intervals”, i.e. the rest between runs) and I’ll probably post something here every other day or so (the content will be fresh, but not consistent). So, check in from time to time to see what I’m up to: or, I guess you could just follow me at http://facebook.com/phedippidations or http://twitter.com/steverunner if you interested. I’m not saying that what you’ll find here on Intervals will be worth your time…but if you listen to my podcast Phedippidations and want to know what’s going on “behind the scenes” then, I guess this is the place to visit.
Run long and taper! - Steve