


So.cial Net Run.ning
Fe.liz An.i.vers.ari.o
el Mo.jo Lo.co

It was three years ago, on December 11th 2010, that I met up with some of the coolest fellow runners I have ever had the honor to run with.  Ii was a fifty mile relay with friends from the Haunted Lighthouse in St. Augustine to the Clamshell Bandshell on Daytona Beach Florida. 

We thought global, and ran LOCO: http://teammojoloco.blogspot.com

Fdip257: The Mojo Loco

The friends who I ran the Mojo Loco with are listening to this right now, Chris and Chris, Eddie, Nik, Dan, Mat, Susan, Steve, Samantha, Norm, Adam  and Maddy. 
  • They’re wondering to themselves: “How is Steve going to tell this story? 
  • How will be express the narrative? 
  • What imagery will he call upon? 
  • What great message will he send forth throughout the tubes of the Interwebsto tell the world about this Mojo Loco?

So this is for my fellow teams mates; dedicated runners all; who accepted the challenge and call of the Mojo Loco and contributed by their presence to a happening: 

Guys, I thought about it…I really did.  In the days following the Mojo Loco I had a lot to digest, thoughts and ideas, feelings and revelations. 

I know you did as well.

I could have told the story of how we met at the Starbucks in Daytona Beach and drove North to St. Augustine.  I could have told the story about the many stops we made along the way and the twelve legs of a run we accomplished together.  It would have been a good story: interesting, entertaining and fun to hear; but it wouldn’t have been a GREAT story.

The GREAT story that I wanted to tell was all about YOU. 

Each of you brought something of yourselves to this event, where the whole of our group was far greater than the sum of its parts.  YOU are the story that needed to be told here, and if you want to call that wishy-washy mumbo-jumbo gobbily goop: go for it, but you know I speak the truth.

What we did, together, as a Team, is something so important…something that everyone who’s listening to the sound of my voice right now, can and must become a part of. 

If indeed, we are indomitable as a team of thirteen runners from around the world, then other Mojo Loco events must be organized, and other teams assembled: because think about the good we can do in this world.  Think about how we can motivate and inspire others to lace up their shoes and use their athletic potential for creative and social good!

The Mojo Loco wasn’t about bib numbers and racing forms, entry fees and complementary tee-shirts.  It was about US, It was about Chris Russells good humor, and Eddie Marathons sincere kindness, Nik’s artistic talent and Dan’s great ability for prose. 

The Mojo Loco was about Susan’s perseverance, Marathon Chris’s dedication, Samantha’s joy of running and Matt’s exuberance for sport. It was about Adams creativity, and Norms determination, Steve Choppers generosity of friendship, and Maddy’s inspirational passion.

This was an event, never to be duplicated yet oft to be repeated.  The story to be told here was all about the Team: the runners who came together to share the road and our time.

Of this you can be certain: there will be other Mojo Loco’s, and other opportunities for this team and others to meet, run, talk and savor the luxury of each others companionship.  Something magical happened on December 11th, between the cities of Saint Augustine and Daytona Beach Florida: something that developed in ten hours the way a fine wine might improve over ten years. 
Thirteen acquaintances: like minded souls brought together through social networking and new media met for coffee and became good friends.

That’s the promise of el Mojo Loco…it sounds crazy, it sounds ridiculous: but you who experienced know better: and through each of us, so will our community.

It was, without a doubt, an incredible honor to meet and run with you; but it was a special precious privilege to become your friend. 

Viva el Mojo Loco