Hello Steve!
So I'm in need of a bit of advice. As a more seasoned runner than myself I
hope you can share some experience with me.
I was recently in as bike accident (I think some of your Massachusets
drivers might have been on vacation in my neck of the woods) which left me with
a fractured radial head in my left arm. As a person who is left handed this is
quite bothersome, as a runner who signed up for his first marathon (which is in
October) this is even worse.
The doctor has said this will take 6-8 weeks to
heal, I know that you are not a doctor, but have you ever dealt with a similar
injury? I'm sort of wondering what you would do in this situation, I obviously
want to let this heal, but not being able to exercise is driving me crazy!
crazy is it to attempt to run in a sling? I mean i can try cross training on a
stationary bike, and walking but I'm fearful that I will lose my base fitness
and be forced to fit all of my training into a far too compacted time frame.
Should I give up and cross this year's TC Marathon off of my to-do list? Or
should I walk/bike and then run as much as possible when I'm healed? Should I
perhaps try and adopt the run-walk approach?
Any/all advice is much appreciated, and as always thanks for the highly
entertaining podcasts!