
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

Recently, I met the most beautiful girl in the world.  Now…I know what you’re saying: you undoubtably disagree, for surely you have in your life someone whom you’ll consider to be the most beautiful girl in the world…and I understand what you’re saying…I respect your opinion on that…but; look…if you’ve been listening to Phedippidations for awhile you know that I’m the kinda guy who calls it as I see it…often with dire consequences and financial loss.

I think you have a pretty good idea how much money I’ve lost in promotional and sponsorship money for the things I’ve had to say on this goofy little podcast.  [I’m shaking in my little space boots about it.]

Kiana and her Papa meet for the first time
But this declaration: that I’ve met the most beautiful girl in the world isn’t something we can argue about…I was there, I saw her with my own eyes…in fact, she was so beautiful I couldn’t help myself: I took her in my arms…and look; I’m a happily married man who loves his wife dearly and completely…but…you had to see this girl, she was amazing…she had me talking baby talk, I was completely swept off my feet…am I in love?  Yeah, you better believe I’m in love: and this is the real deal…this girl was, in fact: the most beautiful girl in the world.

Her name is Kianna Sky Chasey, and she is my grand-daughter.

It’s a strange and wonderful thing to meet someone from the next generation.  In the year 2040 Kianna will be 30 years old, while I’ll be almost 80, and she’ll be living her life to the top, doing good in the world and making her Pa-Pa, proud.

That’s not only a promise to you and the rest of the world, that’s a guarantee…because you see, I’ve seen the future; and it’s not as gloom and doom as some might make you belive: oh, sure we have our issues today: the economy, ecological disasters, terrorism, war, global warming…I’m not making light of those things…but I can’t tell you how good it makes me feel to know that there’s this beautiful little girl who has come into the world, and how she will most definitely make the world just a little bit better than it was before she got here: trust me on this; it’s going to happen.

It’ll happen because she has two parents who love her and want to teach her about the light in this world…do you know what I mean about the light?  It’s not some hokey, touchy-feely thing I’m talking about here…I’m talking about the goodness in the world, the love that we all have…even though we walk around sometimes feeling a little dark and grimey, but look…this light is in each of us: you, me…and especially Kianna, I’ve seen it…and, be honest, you’ve seen it too…and here’s the spoiler from the movie of our lives: the light always wins… Kianna has her parents, uncles, and grandparents who love her with all our hearts and will dedicate our lives to seeing to it that she lives in the light…and look, when you grow up with that kind of love and caring, there’s really no way that the darkness can settle in.

I’ve met the most beautiful girl in the world; and she is going to shine for all the world to see in interesting and wonderful ways.

And me?  I’m her Pa-Pa, Steve Runner…reminding you to run long and taper.