
Run Net Community Directory Proposal and a Question

I’d like to propose that we nominate RNC members to be “managers of the directory” that is, that we try to gather at a minimum: 2 and at a maximum: 100 (it probably don’t matter how many we have included) fellow runners who could be “in charge” of maintaining the directory of “RNC nodes” that will be listed.

We can talk about who will do what and so forth later, but for now there's a much BIGGER question.

We need some kind of a medium to list these nodes (lists of items/links).  One example of how this has been done before is seen here: http://www.podcastdirectory.com which is a fairly simple page by page listing of categories and subcategories per page.

Ideally, if we were to use this simple method of maintenance, we would need “directory managers” to be able to maintain one (or more) directories (and possibly tree segments).

I don’t know the best way to create this.  Maybe we could use Wordpress or Blogger to host the pages/subpages (directories/sub-directories); but I’m open to all suggestions.

QUESTION: What is the best way to host and manage a hierarchical directory tree that would allow sub-managers to maintain portions of the tree?

For example (and I’m just using names here so we can have the conversation, I’m not suggesting any kind of a manager org chart here).

Nigel might be the manager of the Podcasting directory.
Phil might be the manager of the Video directory.
Kevin might be the manager of the Blogging directory.

These three directories might fall under the: New Media Sub Category, managed by Steve Chopper.

Toni might be the manager of the RNC root object.

So, Toni is in charge of what subcategories we have in the RNC directory.

Steve Chopper might be in charge of what sub categories fall under the “New Media” container.

And Nigel, Phil and Kevin each are in charge of what goes into their respective directories (for example, a new podcaster contacts Nigel when he would like his show listen OR Nigel learns about a new podcast and adds it himself…and he removes podcasts that have gone away and have no content available).

SO, knowing that this is an oversimplified proposal, and knowing that there are some RNC members who are sensitive to the idea of such a directory (but feeling that there’s a real and important value to maintaining such a directory), what do others think about this?

I’ll ask the question again, because it’s a big one: What is the best way to host and manage a hierarchical directory tree that would allow sub-managers to maintain portions of the tree?

You can go here: http://groups.google.co.uk/group/run-net-community to join the discussion.  We'd very much appreciate your opinions on this...because, after all, this is YOUR community!

Run long and taper.

- Steve