
Another Easy Five with a 5:2 Run Walk

I’ll start off by saying that I ran about a minute faster today than yesterday, but that today’s run seemed twice as easy as yesterday’s run.  I’ve given up trying to understand the way my body and mind work.  I felt very comfortable out there, and just “ran how I felt”, comfortably without pushing too hard.  Yes, I was dealing with some pain (I’ve received no less than a dozen emails since this morning pleading with me NOT to run Boston because of this pain) but I’m used to that by now.

Life has it’s moments of struggle, some of them can be avoided, and others SHOULD be avoided.  I’ve neither the intelligence or common sense to sit this one out, and feel that I have to at least TRY to run this race.  If I wake up on April 19th, groaning in pain, I promise that I’ll crawl back into bed…but if I’m feeling okay, I’m going to take it mile by mile, stride by stride, and I’ll give it my best shot.

On race day you’ll be able to follow me via a GPS tracking system I’ll have with me (I tested it today, and it worked very well).  My INTERVALS website will have all kinds of Boston Marathon related updates on it as I run this race (especially before and after the race…I’m not so sure I’ll be doing anything more than concentrating on my running as I make my way to Boylston Street).

So, anyway: today’s run was a good one. I felt good doing it, I feel good after it.  All the gritty details are available on my BuckeyeOutdoors page: